About Me

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I LOVE to design and to paint whimsical items that will put a smile on your face. Each day I share my simple life with you as I try to encourage, to inspire and sometimes JUST to make you smile as I recount my life growing up on a dairy farm! I've never had many material items in my life, BUT I have been blessed beyond words with love and encouragement from WONDERFUL Parents who instilled in me WHAT was important. I have had EVERYTHING that I needed and WAY too much of what I wanted. I am slowly learning to be a better person each day through my interactions with my friends on Facebook. Some day I hope to be as good as people seem to THINK I am! I am BLESSED! Welcome to my little corner of the world...Please stop by and visit often!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Merry Glamping

Everybody has made a pattern for a camper, but this has been stuck in my head for a few months.

Yesterday, I decided to paint it.

Early, this morning, I decided to share the pattern with you, so here you go!

Click here to get the FREE Pattern

I offered a challenge to do a Random Act of Kindness, today, so, here is one of mine! 

I hope you enjoy it.

If you do paint it, share it with me.

I am simply blessed to create~charlotte ♡

Click here to magically appear in my etsy shop

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your pattern. You are one of the first people I look for in the morning when I wake up. I must see what "Char Moo" is up to!! Can't wait to try this adorable pattern! Have a Moovelous day!!


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡