About Me

My photo
I LOVE to design and to paint whimsical items that will put a smile on your face. Each day I share my simple life with you as I try to encourage, to inspire and sometimes JUST to make you smile as I recount my life growing up on a dairy farm! I've never had many material items in my life, BUT I have been blessed beyond words with love and encouragement from WONDERFUL Parents who instilled in me WHAT was important. I have had EVERYTHING that I needed and WAY too much of what I wanted. I am slowly learning to be a better person each day through my interactions with my friends on Facebook. Some day I hope to be as good as people seem to THINK I am! I am BLESSED! Welcome to my little corner of the world...Please stop by and visit often!

Monday, March 27, 2017

More Ralphie

Ralphie got to meet the BIG ELVES

The one on top is Prince Charlie,
 the fairest in all the land.

The smaller fella is Chester the Jester Elf! 

Oh, me, Ralphie is climbing down. I told him I couldn't take another picture because that is where my projects that are being published in www.paintingezine.com are kept and we want it to be a surprise when they are published! 

"Hey Lady--you sure do spend a lot of time in this corner. Are you NAUGHTY, like me?"

Oh, no, Ralphie, I am GOOD! 

AND just like that, Ralphie finds the printer!

HOW did I know this was going to happen??!!

"Hey Lady...Look...I made a snowman!"

"I think I will Need to paint his eyes..."

...heavy sigh...

Well, maybe Ralphie will calm down for awhile so I can get some work done...maybe not! 

Don't forget to ~giggle~

Sending you our love...
Ralphie, Charcoal and Charlotte...♡

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Ralphie Report

I apologize for no Wednesday  posting,
 but I spent all day trying to find Ralphie!!

I kept hearing sounds-- 
many of them similar to a mouse, 
BUT there was giggling.

I would get up and go search, 
but would find nothing. 

This went on all day!  
AND to top it all off, 
I could not find my phone! 

I was exhausted from all the searching, 
so I decided to just go to sleep...

Many of you know this, but My sleeping schedule varies from week to week. The past two weeks have been back to sleeping all day. I try so hard to get on a "normal" schedule, but it doesn't happen often. 

When I awakened today, 
my phone was back 
where it usually stays.

I found this very baffling, 
but when I opened it, 
I saw a picture of a big black paw! 

I scanned through the pictures
 to find that Ralphie had gotten in the car. 
Look at him. 
He even has "the lean".

I looked in my phone again, 
and there were some notes....

It seems that Ralphie
 took the car for a drive, 
and he kept a diary of the adventure.

Ralphie seems to think he went to the ocean! 
He doesn't realize that Middle Tennessee 
is far from the ocean;
 however, there was a note that said: 
look at all of the WATER!! 
I am so happy to see the ocean! 

The next photo said 
he wanted everybody to know 
he was safe...
He found a lifesaver! 
He likes that his lifesaver is named : 
Butter Rum.

Oh, dear,
 it seems the car has crashed 
into the heater! 


Poor, sweet Ralphie has 
so much to learn!

But, all is ok.
Ralphie and Charcoal
 are snuggled together 
taking a nap.

Maybe I can get some work done 
while they sleep...

...until next time...

Love from us all!
Charcoal, Ralphie and Me!♡

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ralphie, Day Two

Well, I am not sure what happened while I slept.

I was able to get a few pictures of just SOME THINGS Ralphie did today.

I found Ralphie on my painting table and asked what he was doing.

"I am soaking up some Vitamin D. It is so sunny and warm!"

Ralphie, you know, it is raining outside and you are on my painting table. That "sunshine " is called an OTT Light.

Ralphie mumbled, "Lady, you OTT to clean up that table."

Things were going fine, until I heard, 
"Woa, dude, I am feeling groovey. 
This is some great POT."

Ralphie, that is A POT.

Charcoal can't believe what he is seeing!

Hey Lady, if that wasn't pot, 
why did I just eat a whole 
bag of Peanut M&Ms?!

Oh, dear...

Hey Lady...I found Big foot!

Or is it Big FEET?

there is a big black
 monster in here!

I told Ralphie that I live on a farm...

He found chickens...

AND a frog!

I lost Ralphie for a bit, when I heard

Hey Lady...Hey Lady...
These are my people! 

 Oh, Ralphie...you should feel right at home, 

AND now, you have an idea
 of how much I love you, 
since so many of your people live here         
 Thanks for being silly and for making me smile..
        Sleep well...until tomorrow...~charlotte ♡

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

We have a visitor!

I hope each of you has taken the opportunity to "meet" Wendy Young of Olde Moonlane Primitives. She is one of the most creative people around.

Now, creating cute little whimsical critters is her passion, but I believe what makes them so adorable is that she puts herself into her work. That, alone, would make her successful.

Wendy is a down to earth, genuine person. In this world of art, unfortunately, I have witnessed some ugly attitudes, but Wendy has shown me by example, that those are not the people to waste time worrying about. While some may copy and steal, she just quotes a scripture about forgiveness and says there is something new to create, and she just moves on, with a part of her heart broken, but holding no grudges.

She is a simple soul who finds great joy in small gestures. She understands hard times, and shares tricks that others work so hard to hide. She truly wishes success for others.

She is a strong lady, but she is blessed, and she will tell you, with a wonderful help mate who supports her and brags on her abilities. They complete each other. He is quick to say that he married up, but I believe they are equals and love is the key for their happy family.

Now, she does tend to blame poor Moses, her pup, with things that happen. I think the other two pups and the cat do things and then disappear! Poor Moses.

I share this so you know a little about Wendy.

Wendy created Ralphie and sent him to a live person who acts just like Ralphie. I don't know if that one is the original, or if this one is, but I tell ya, this little critter is a mess!

Wendy came up with the idea to share Ralphie with the world. She let us sign up to host Ralphie, and now, it is my turn.

The mayhem has begun, and it only took a few minutes.

I will start the antics, now...

I had to make a run to town last night because Dog treats were getting too low. After I gathered my months worth of groceries, I swung by Burger King because Charcoal loves the $1.49 nuggets. I was heading back home, when I decided to just go by the Postie and check. I had been there on Friday, but, thought I might as well stop.

I got to my box and there was a key for a bigger box. I was baffled, because I knew I had no outstanding orders. I went and got my box and hurried to the car to find my scissors.

Great, where are they. I think it was another causality of Charcoal's ride to town from last week. :( The scissors always go back in that "hole". I will be going to find them tomorrow in the daylight.

So, I had to use a key to get the tape off the box, and, all of a sudden, I heard a loud "hello....hello...who is out there...he...llllllll.....ooooooo".


In a Jerry Lewis voice--that is the voice I think he uses--I heard him say, "hey Lady, who are you?"

I introduced myself and he seemed very happy. His Mommie gave him a happy heart, just like she has...AND, believe me, he got his mischievousness from her, also! It is no accident he is as he is!

I have some pictures to share, soon. Right now, my hands are full because Ralphie wants to play with Charcoal and Charcoal thinks maybe it is a mouse??

Oh, me...this is going to be interesting, BUT fun. I have them separated for the moment, so I can post this...

Welcome to Middle Tennessee, Ralphie...what? I can't tell your Mommie that her friends are Cra Cra...and so it begins...

No, Ralphie, we don't have "nakie Friday"...

No, Ralphie, we don't have a dancing pole...

Yes, Ralphie, we have junk food! :)...AND chocolate. ♡

Now, as soon as I got Ralphie home and out of the box, he smelled our food, and dove right into the sack.

He crawled up on my drink cause he said he was "THURSDAY"...I just giggled.

He found a chicken nugget and ate it all!

Next, he found I had bought a chocolate chip cookie. Notice a little black nose checking out this critter!

The cookie disappeared soon, but I heard laughter...

"Hey Lady, hey Lady....make him stop...IT tickles..."

Next, Ralphie said, "Hey lady...hey lady...I'm a gonna make snow angels"

That isn't snow, Ralphie. It is bubble wrap!

Woa...I am exhausted and it has only been a few hours. I might be in trouble!!

Ralphie said he wanted to sleep with Charcoal...so goodnight, for now!

Don't forget to tell people you love them...

I love you, Wendy...
And Ralphie...
And Charcoal♡

Don't forget to laugh...

And find all those blessings created just for you!
I am simply blessed to create ~charlotte ♡